英籍男星丹尼爾.戴.路易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)素以扮演高難度角色聞名國際影壇;在『我的左腳』(My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown) 一片中, 他精確而完美地將一個肢體殘障者愛恨糾結的心境表達的淋漓盡致;單就片子一開場他熟稔地以左腳放唱片,就可一窺他對此角用心之深。
但說時遲、那時快,天色突然轉暗,迅雷不及掩耳地下起雷雨,根本沒地方躲,攔車也攔不著,還好有個小鬼願意騎機車載我們去車站搭迷你巴直接回曼谷,那迷你巴士冷氣超強,我又淋了一身濕,車進曼谷又開始大塞車,足足挨餓受凍了三個多小時才到「勝利紀念碑」(Victory Monument)底站,在附近用點兒熱食便匆匆和 Jo 告辭,本來盤算悠哉悠哉的尋幽探訪,沒料到竟是場始料未及的災難!真是人算不如天算!
Forty is the last age a woman can be photographed in a wedding dress without the unintended Diane Arbus subtext. 註:Diane Arbus(1923-1971),出生於紐約的女性攝影師,以拍攝社會邊緣小人物聞名。)
Alright then enjoy yourself that is what you're 20's for. In 30's are to learn the lesson. In 40's are pay for the drinks.
紐約熟女四人幫臨時組團到墨西哥散心!剛失婚的凱莉完全沒有度假的心情,把陽光、海灘、美景隔絕在外…讓自己被黑暗的房間包圍,不斷地陷入昏睡。凱莉清醒後還會自嘲那是”Mexi-coma” (凱莉的自創字:Mexico + coma,原句:I need to get myself out of my Mexi-coma.)
電影裡莎曼珊有段台詞很經典:”I can't color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.”
凱莉接著說: ”We get it! You like to color...” (color= have sex,請自行翻譯與意會。)
姐妹淘們看到身上多了15磅贅肉的莎曼珊都非常驚訝,凱莉問: ”Well, honey, what have you been eating?”